To add an Administrator on Clubspark, you will need to have Administrator access. You may need to check with the lead (Super) Administrator who set up your club's Clubspark venue account if you do not have the correct access.
We have split this article into 3 sections to help you easily find the relevant section:
To Add an Administrator:
Step 1: Click the 'Administrator' tab on the left side of the screen:
Step 2: Click the blue 'Add administrator' button:
- You'll then need to choose whether this person is a 'New contact' (i.e. they're not listed within your contacts module) or an 'Existing contact' (can be found in your contacts module), if they're a new contact, fill in the below form:
- For existing contacts, you can search by name and select the applicable person in the dropdown menu.
Step 3: Choose the admin role (tick box) you wish to apply:
Depending on your set up and modules access, you will only see the administrators available to you. For a breakdown of the roles and their functionality you can see here in the Administrator Roles for club and coach and for Tournament Administration see Tournament Administrator Roles
Step 4: Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
To Edit Administrator Rights:
Step 1: Click 'Administrators' module on left side of the screen.
Step 2: Select the person you wish to 'edit' rights for and select 'Options' and then 'Edit contact'
Scroll down to the 'Administrator Roles' section and untick any options they shouldn't have and add the correct one.
Step 3: Click 'Save contact' at the bottom of the page.
To Remove Administrators/Admin Rights:
Please note: Only Super Administrators can remove admin rights from an individual/contact.
Step 1: Click 'Administrators' on the left hand side of the screen.
Step 3: Choose the 'Options' button and then 'Edit contact'