You are able to take offline payments for coaching courses, singles sessions and recurring sessions. You could use this alongside online payments to give your customers the option of online and offline payments or you could decide just to take offline payments.
Please note: It will be your responsibility to collect payment if a customer decides to pay via this option.
Step 1: First, create or edit a Coaching course as you would usually do.
Step 2: When you get to the 'Costs' section, you will have two options under payment methods see below:
If you select the 'Offline' option, an 'Instructions' box will appear. It's here you can tell your participants how you want to receive payments, e.g. Pay cash on arrival.
Step 3: Save the course.
Step 4: When viewing the course online this is how it will look, as you can see customers have the option to select 'offline' or 'online' payments depending on what has been set up on the course.
Step 5: Once booked on, the confirmation message will let the customer know how they have chosen to pay:
Step 6: They will appear on the register as 'not paid':
Step 7: Once you have received payment, you can find the player on the register, open up their record and select 'Edit payment'
Step 8: Here you have the option to add the payment amount/ type and then 'Save' this.
They will then show as 'Paid' on the register: