This article shows you how to do the following:
Adding a Contact:
Step 1: Head to your Contacts module in the Admin area on the left hand side.
Step 2: Once there, click on the blue 'Contact Options' button in the top right hand corner and select 'Add new contact'.
Step 3: Then the following pop will appear with the following information:
Here you can add a 'First name', 'Last name', 'Email address' and 'Phone number'.
Please note: First and Last name are compulsory fields. Also make sure there are no spaces left after or before the text in each field, otherwise you won't be able to submit the contact record.
You will alsp need an email address to send emails/invites.
Step 4: Once you have entered the new contacts information, click on 'Submit' button. You will then see this overlay.
Step 5: Click 'View profile' to be taken to the new contacts profile page where you email or invite the contact to register with your venue.
If you select 'Options' and 'Edit contact' you can edit the contact record, you can also do this from the contacts profile.
Step 6: Adding notes to a contact record (Optional)
You can add notes to a contact record if needed, this is useful if you want to add extra information to a person's contact record for example you may give out swipe cards or keys and make note of it here.
To add this scroll down to the bottom of the contact record, under 'Notes' type in your message and select 'Add note':
Step 7: Once the note is added you can also edit or delete if required by clicking on the relevant icons (the pen to edit and the bin to delete ) see below:
You can also export the note information by selecting 'Export all' this will export all the notes on that contact record to a spreadsheet for you to view.
Viewing a Contact:
To view a contacts key information, court booking, membership and coaching history within the contacts module then please follow the steps in this guide.
Step 1: First, head to the Contacts Module within the admin area and look up the contact whose profile you want to view. You can do this by searching for the players name.
Step 2: Click on the contact and you will be taken to their contact profile. Here you can see the following categories: Key information, Court Booking, Coaching and Membership.
Step 3: The key information category is where you can see the contacts tags, consents, responsibilities, medical information and juniors/main contact details. You can also see any notes that may be on the player's profile.
Step 4: Under the court booking category, you can view the contacts upcoming, completed and cancelled court booking history.
Step 5: If you click on coaching, you can view all of their upcoming, completed and cancelled coaching courses.
Step 6: The membership category shows all of the contacts active and lapsed membership packages that they have joined.
Editing a Contact:
If you need to edit the details on a contacts contact record please follow the previous steps in this guide on how to locate the players profile on the Contacts Module
Step 1: Click on their name, where you will be taken to their profile. You then need to click on the 'Options' button which is located in the top right-hand corner and select 'Edit contact'.
Please note: You can not change the email address on the account once they are showing as registered in the contacts module.
Step 2: In the edit contact screen, you will see all of the contacts information.
If you would like to add any medical information, please insert any information here in the medical information field.
This is also the place where you can add/remove tags, apply administrator or organisation roles as well as turn on/off admin notification emails.
You can also create custom tags and custom organisation roles/responsibility when editing a contact by clicking on the blue 'Manage contact tags' or 'Manage roles'.
Please note: Any contact within your database that has a role assigned to it, including a membership, will need to have an email address entered.