This article will show you how to do the following:
A contact can only be deleted if they do not have any administrator roles, an active membership or a subscription. If you would like to delete a contact with any of these, you will need to edit the contact to remove any administrator roles and/or cancel their active membership.
You cannot delete a member from within the Membership module, you must go into the Contacts module.
Deleting a Contact:
Step 1: Go to the Contacts module, find the contact you wish to delete, tick the box on the left hand side of their name.
Step 2: Then click on the 'more' button (icon with the three dots) and select 'Delete contacts'
Or you can click on the contact you wish to delete, and in the top right-hand corner of their profile click 'Options' and then 'Edit contact'. Here you will be able to delete or archive the member.
If for any reason you may be unsure about deleting a contact/user, you can select 'archive' which will allow you to bring them back to active at a later time.
Step 3: If the contact has an administrator role or membership, you will receive a pop message telling you the reason the contact can't be deleted.
If the contact doesn't have either of these you will have to confirm you would like to delete the contact. The following will show.
Select the tick box and then the blue 'Confirm' button and the contact will now be permanently removed from your contacts list.
Bulk Deleting Contacts:
Step 1: Follow the same steps as above, however selecting the 'tick box' next to all contacts you wish to delete in the Contacts module. Then then select the 'more' button (three dots icon) to proceed to delete those contacts.
Step 2: You will be prompted to confirm that you are happy to delete these contacts. Make sure you tick the 'I want to delete these contacts' box and then the blue 'Confirm' button.
Once deleted, contacts will be archived for a further 30 days then permanently deleted. This will anonymise all historical transactions related to this contact. After this point, this action can't be reversed.
Please note: Contacts who are administrators, active members or main contacts will not be deleted. You will need to go and delete any active memberships or remove administrator access before trying to delete them.
Restoring a Contact:
Step 1: If you wish to restore the contacts you have since deleted within the 30-day time frame, click on the 'Contact Options' tab in the top right of the Contacts module and select 'View archived contacts'.
Step 2: You will then need to open the contact by clicking on the contact that you wish to restore, and click the blue 'Restore' button in their contact profile that appears next to their name.
After restoring the contact you will see they appear back in the Contacts module.