Your news web page allows you to publish news articles that are of interest to your website visitors. You can assign your articles to different categories (Club, Social, Coaching & Competition) which can be used by your visitors to filter what articles they are looking to read.
We have split this article into 2 sections to help you easily find the relevant section:
Creating/Updating Your News Page
Step 1: Firstly, set the navigation bar title for your news page.
Step 2: Toggle the 'Show in navigation' option on or off, depending on if you want the page to show on the live website.
Step 3:Input the navigation sort order number for your news page. You can find more detail on this in our Web Page Navigation Order Guide here.
Step 4: For the page content, firstly you need to select if you want your three latest news articles to be displayed on the homepage of your website. Toggle this feature on, like below:
Step 5: Upload a custom header image by clicking in the 'Upload a JPG..' box
Please note: For best viewing of this photo we recommend uploading a photo with dimensions of 1400px by 650px.
Step 5: Type in a title for the page content.
Step 6: Next, you'll be able to add in your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Write a page title and description as they will appear in search engine results e.g Google, Bing etc.
You can find more information about SEO within this support guide here.
Step 7: Once you are happy with how your webpage is looking and with any changes made, please remember to click the blue 'Save page changes' button.
If you exit the page before clicking this button, all your changes will be lost and you'll need to re-do them.
Creating/Adding News Articles
Step 1: To create a new news article, scroll towards the bottom of the page and click on the 'Add new article' button.
Step 2: You'll then be taken to the next page, 'News / news sub page'.
First, you'll need to decide if the article will be shown in the public listing, if this is an article that will need further work/you have started but not yet finished then we would advise leaving the toggle turned off.
Step 3: Next, you'll be able to enter the page content. First, enter a page title. This will be the article heading that displays on your website.
Step 4: Click the arrow to bring the Category drop down list. Your users can filter the news articles by the category selected. You can choose from these categories: Club, Competition, Social and Coaching.
Step 5: Select a pass and/or future publish date for when the article was published.
Step 6: Enter a brief description of what the news article is about in the listing summary. Here is an example how this will display for your users, highlighted in red:
Step 7: Upload a new photo for your news article, this will display as the header image and the content image. (as the image in step 13). For best viewing we recommend uploading an image that is of the dimensions of 1400px x 650px.
Step 8: Finally, write the the new article in the page text. You can also include hyperlinks and images within this text box using the toolbar, but we recommend that they are no wider than 1180px.
Step 9: Once you have created your article, remember to click the blue 'Save page changes' button at the bottom of the page.
If you leave the page before clicking this button, all your changes will be lost and you'll need to re-do them.
Step 10: To find your articles in the admin area, use the article search feature on the news page.
You need to select the year and month and then click 'Search'.
Step 11: To check how the page looks with the 'View website online' button: