Hyperlinks can be used to share a clickable link for users to download files, go to an external URL (website) or A mailto link which allows users to send emails straight from your website using their default email client.
You can add hyperlinks to emails or on the website.
Within the Website module in your Admin area. You will see a toolbar at the top of text box:
We have split this article into 4 sections to help you easily find the relevant section:
- To Add a Hyperlink for an Email
- To Add a Hyperlink to a Website
- To Add a Hyperlink to a Document
How does the Hyperlink View on the Website
To Add a Hyperlink for an Email
For this example you can check our Demo Contact us Page here: https://clubspark.net/MultiSport/Contact
Step 1: Type the text you want to display as the hyperlink for an email. For example: if you wanted to hyperlink the email address: support@multisport.com but wanted the text to show "Contact Us", type this out.
Step 2: Highlight the text and hit the 'hyperlink' (shown below) button.
Step 3: Change the 'Link Type' to E-mail. (This will change this to a mailto email link)
Step 4: Type the contact email address, when the user clicks on the 'Contact us' link it will open up their email application and compose a new email message to 'support@multisport.com', so they can email you.
Step 5: You can also choose to add what the email subject and email message should have when a user emails in. (Saving the user time and organising a uniform name for your support requests)
Step 6: Make sure to click 'Save page changes' to confirm your changes.
To Add a Hyperlink to a Website
For this example you can check our Demo Home Page here: https://clubspark.net/MultiSport
Step 1: Type the text you want to display, e.g 'Check the Local weather'
Step 2: Highlight the text and hit the 'hyperlink' (shown below) button.
Step 3: Type in the website you want to redirect to in the URL field:
Step 4: Next click on the tab titled 'Target'.
Step 5: Choose 'New Window' if you want the hyperlinked page to open in a new window
OR choose 'Same Window' if you want the hyperlink to redirect from the same page you click the link on.
Step 6: Click 'OK' and make sure to click 'Save page changes' to confirm your changes.
To Add a Hyperlink to a Document
For this example you can see this on our Demo Club Rules page here: https://clubspark.net/MultiSport/OurClubRules
(If you have already uploaded the document/file to the File Library skip to Step 5.)
Step 1: Similar to the above, write your display text, highlight the text and click on the 'hyperlink' button:
Step 2: In the hyperlink pop up box, keep the 'Link type' to URL, then click 'Browse Server'. This will open your file manager.
Step 3: The 'File Library' will pop up, if you need to upload the document still. Firstly, it's important to choose the correct subfolder which relates to the type of file you are uploading.
As the example file we are uploading is a (.docx) document file, we can choose 'Documents' (should also work in Files Subfolder).
For example, you can't upload a file to the image sub folder, it will show an error message.
Step 4: Then click the 'Upload' button, and select the document from your local files.
Step 5: If you have already uploaded the file, then you can simply click on the file and then click 'Choose'.
Step 6: This will take you back to the hyperlink pop up box with the URL field filled out to your file.
Click 'OK' to confirm the hyperlink.
Step 6: Make sure to click 'Save page changes' to confirm your changes.
How does the Hyperlink View on the Website
You can view our Demo pages used in the guides here:
Here is an example of how the hyperlink shows on our demo 'Contact us' page: