This page provides help with the most common questions asked about the Clubspark Booking module.
How can I manage who can view my booking sheet?
You will need to go into booking settings and then into managing basic settings, here you can decide who can view the booking sheet.
Please note: This doesn’t determine who can book at your venue just who can view the booking sheet. To determine who can book at your venue, you will need to set this up within your schedules.
How do I manage who can make bookings at my venue?
To determine who can make resource bookings at your venues, you need to head to 'schedules' within your Booking module settings.
Here you will be able to manage your schedules and decide who can make bookings, when and at what price. You can also add guest fees here as well.
Why are my members seeing padlocks when they try to make a booking?
This can be down to a number of reasons and we advise that you check the following:
- Make sure the member has an ‘active’ membership status
- Make sure the member is registered - all members must be registered to make bookings
If a contact has a duplicate record in the system this can cause the system not to recognise them as a member, the best thing to do is ‘merge’ these two records together.
Why are my members getting ‘access denied’ message?
This usually happens when they are trying to view your booking sheet but the privacy settings are not allowing it. Please check these settings in the basic settings.
If you only allow members to view the booking sheet the members must make sure they are using the details they originally registered with to sign in.
How do I accept online payments for bookings?
First, you need to register with Stripe, our online payment provider.
Once you have done this, head to the 'basic settings' within the Booking module and tick the ‘accept online payments’ box.
You can set up your prices in the schedules and this pulls through to the booking sheet. When a player then books they will be shown the price you have set and enter their card details. The money will then be paid into your account.
What is the payment fee to use Stripe?
- 2.8% + 25p per transaction (UK cards)
- 4.3% + 25p per transaction (Non-European cards and currency conversion.)
How do you restrict how many bookings a person can make?
This can be managed in the booking rules section where you can set up the number of days in advance a person can book, the number of bookings they can make in a specific number of days and the maximum booking slots for each booking.
How do I edit the phone number and email that pull through on the booking confirmation?
This information is pulled through from your venue's Profile Module, please update the information here.
Where do the booking Terms of Use appear on the front end?
When users first make a booking, they will have to accept your terms of use in order to complete the booking. You can upload your venue's Terms Of Use within the settings within the Booking module.
Can the booking system be used without being linked to the Membership Module?
Yes, it can, however the only way members of yours will be able to book is by setting the schedule up so 'everyone' can book - where you risk non-members booking and not having a separate price for pay and play.
If you don’t want this we would suggest setting up a membership package and importing your members into this package. You can then send them an invite to register with the platform and they will be able to book. You don’t need to use it to take membership payments, although this is something you may want to consider as it saves a lot of admin time!
Can players see the names against bookings on the booking sheet?
This is something you can decide within the basic settings, under privacy settings you will be able to select members or booking administrators. The choice as to whether you allow people to see names against bookings or not can be applied in line with each venue's rules and is at their discretion.
Can Booking Administrators book on behalf of members?
Yes, Booking Administrators can book on behalf of members, they can enter the members name in and select their name from a drop-down list.
Can players make bookings without leaving their name?
No, this is not possible. The player's name is pulled through from their account once they have signed in.
If you have a booking without a name, it’s most likely been made by an administrator as these are the only people that can make bookings without entering a name. They need to enter a contact name or select the ‘me’ button if the booking is for them.
How can I assign someone a role/responsibility?
In the booking settings, you can manage roles/ responsibilities - here you can create and edit the roles and responsibilities at your venue. They can be applied to different contacts/members by editing a contact’s record and adding to your schedule(s) so they can book.
Please note: The options in grey are pre-set e.g. Head Coach/Coach these are automatically in the system and can be added to a contact record without you having to create a new one. These are great for giving to your coaching team.
How does a parent/guardian book on behalf of a junior?
The parent/guardian needs to register on behalf of the junior, once logged in they will need to click on their name in the top right-hand corner, where they will be able to change the user to their child. They will then be able to book on behalf of the child.
Please note: If the parent hasn’t changed users to the child and isn’t a member themselves they may see an ‘access denied’ message or ‘padlocks’ preventing them from booking as they are not the member.
Can I export my booking data?
Yes, you can. Head to the Booking module, use the filters to help locate the booking time frame you wish to export. You can then export your booking data to PDF or CSV file and filter the information from here.
I don’t use the Clubspark website. Can I link the Clubspark booking sheet to my existing site?
You can place a link to your booking sheet on your website, which your members and contacts can follow to book resources online.
This is the link to use: