Administrators can now apply credits to player accounts for Bookings and Coaching Courses. These credits can be given in place of a refund or in case of issues like rained out or cancelled courses. You can apply credits to multiple players or individual players. You can set an expiry date of when the credits should be used by.
Watch our short 4-minute introduction to Credits
Where can credits be used in Clubspark?
Admins will be able to give credits to players from the participants tab for Single Sessions, Short Course, Recurring Sessions, Camps and Bookings.
Who can award the credits?
Super Administrator, Administrator or Discounts administrator with access to the Discounts module will be able to access a table that shows details of credits that have been created.
How much credit can you give?
It will auto populate the value, but you can change this value to whatever value you choose.
This article will go through how to do the following:
- Credit a Booking
- Credit a Coaching Course
- How to Cancel a Credit
- Example Credit Emails to Players
- How to Keep Track of Credits Applied
Credit a Booking:
Step 1: To apply the credits to accounts, go to the Booking module and search the 'Active' or 'Cancelled' tabs for the player or players you wish to apply the credit to.
Step 2: Select the player(s) that require a credit by ticking the tick box next to their name and select the 'Apply Credit' button as shown below:
You can tick one or more. Then you will click on the apply credit button.
Here is an example:
Step 3: The pop up will appear and you can select the amount paid by the booker or a custom amount.
Please note: For refunds, the stripe transaction fee is retained, so if you refund the full amount paid, then the venue will be liable for the stripe transaction fee. So it is up to you to choose to pay in full or custom amount.
Then enter an 'Expiry Date' - we would recommend you do this, so the credit is not indefinite, however, it is not mandatory. Once the expiry date passes, the credit value will no longer show.
Finally, fill out the Email Subject and Message. You may want to include why you are giving the credit etc.
The last step is to label the reason for the credit:
There are fourteen options for the reason for the credit in court booking, these include:
- Covid-19
- Illness/Injury
- Insufficient numbers
- Weather, rain, snow, etc.
- Unforeseen circumstances
- Coach Unavailable
- Courts Unplayable
- Maintenance Work
- Venue Closure
- Bereavement
- Partner/opponent unavailable
- Strike -can not travel
- Work Commitments
- Other
Step 4: Click 'Confirm'. An email will be sent off the the player advising them they they have credit linked to their profile now.
Credit a Coaching Course:
Step 1: To apply the credits to accounts, go to the Coaching module and select the program in question. Then select the correct session.
Step 2: Select the player(s) that require a credit and select 'Apply Credit' button as shown below:
To select ALL players - click the green box as marked below, which will apply a tick to all participants.
Step 3: You can input a credit amount for members and non-Members, an expiry date and the reason for the credit. Finally, fill out the email subject and message.
If it is for a recurring session, it will auto populate the value of a single session. You can edit the cost amount as you wish up to the value of what the customer paid.
Please note: It will give credit based on whether the player paid the member or non member price. Not based on their membership status at the venue.
Expiry date- we would recommend you do this, so the credit is not indefinite, however, it is not mandatory. Once the expiry date passes, the credit value will no longer show.
There are 6 options for the reason for the credit, these include:
- Covid-19
- Illness/Injury
- Insufficient numbers
- Weather, rain, snow, etc.
- Unforeseen circumstances
- Other
Step 4: Click 'Confirm'. An Email will be sent off the the player advising them they they have credit linked to their profile now.
How to Cancel a Credit:
Step 1: To cancel the credit, go to Discounts module - Credits.
Step 2: Select the credit(s) you wish to cancel by checking the box and then click Cancel credit.
Step 3: You will see a pop up appear like the below. Click on the 'YES' Toggle for 'Send credit Cancellation email'
Step 4: You can choose to send the member an email to explain why you are canceling the credit or not, you do this by enabling or disabling the 'Send credit cancellation email'.
Step 4: Click Confirm
Please note: At present the emails are NOT shown in the email log but this is on the roadmap.
Example Credit Emails to Players:
- Applying Player Credit Email:
- Cancelled Player Credit Email:
How to Keep Track of Credits Applied:
Once a credit has been applied to a player/member the credits will be available to view in the Discounts module - then click the Credits tab on the top right of the screen.
From here you can cancel credits at any time as well as download a table of all available credits.
Here you can see:
- Available Credits
- Used Credits
- Cancelled Credits
- Expired Credits