You may find you need to move a member from one package to another. For example a junior needing to be moved to the next age group or an adult member wanting to switch to a family membership.
Step 1: Go to the Membership module on the left hand side in the Admin area. Then find the membership package that the member is already in from your list of packages. Find the name of the member that you wish to move across to another package.
Step 2: Once in the member's membership record, use the status drop-down to change the member's status to cancelled. Changing the status does not effect the payment, so it won't cancel the existing payment. Depending on what the situation is, you can either:
- Add a manual payment on the record showing the refund (you can then add the payment to the new membership record to make your figures correct)
- Leave the payment as it is, if there is a difference e.g. joining a family membership which is more you can edit the new membership record to show the difference.
Step 3: Now that the current membership has been cancelled. Go back into your membership module and find the new package you would like to add the member into. Click into this package and select 'Member Options' and then 'Add member'.
Step 4: When adding an 'Existing contact', you can use the contact field to search for one of your contacts by name. By typing the name in the box all matching contact records will be returned and you can select the relevant contact. The below screenshot is from a group membership so a main contact is required as well as the member details.
Select the blue 'Save' button at the bottom of the page.
Step 5: Once saved, your member will be added to the package and be ready to be sent a payment request.
If you would like to move the member into an existing group membership, you can follow the steps here: Adding A Member To A Group Membership.