Membership settings enable the venue to set some rules about the renewals and to configure whether a membership is active upon paying via an offline method or if the admin sets this manually upon receiving payment. Here you can also add a confirmation message and upload terms and conditions that members will be able to accept the first time they register.
You access your membership settings via the Membership module in the Admin area and clicking 'Settings' in the top right corner.
We have split this article into 4 sections to help you easily find the relevant section:
- Package Settings: Offline Payment Membership Settings
- Package Settings: Date of Purchase Renewals
- Confirmation Settings
- Terms and Conditions
Package Settings: Offline Payment Membership Settings
Here admins can now configure whether a membership is active upon joining and selecting to pay via an offline method or if the admin sets this manually upon receiving payment. i.e. if a member purchases the membership, at the time of purchase you can choose if they are automatically active or not.
When changing this, this will change any memberships purchased after you choose this setting. Its default is set to active when payment is received. Remember to click 'Save settings' if making a change.
Package Settings: Date of Purchase renewals
This feature is to ensure that the venue and the member do not lose out when members pay late. It is an option for the club administrators to enable.
Selecting the 'Renew on the date of purchase' when a member of a date of purchase package renews before or after the expiry date of the package, their new start date will be the date of purchase.
For example, the expiry date is the 1st January. The renew on the 15th January. There membership is valid from the 15th January. This also happens if they renewed on 25th December, they will have two memberships for the same period.
Selecting 'Renew members on date of package anniversary' will set the start date of the new package to the expiry date of the previous package + 1 day.
For example. the expiry date is 1st January, if they renew on the 15th January, the start date will be the 2nd January.
Confirmation Settings
If you scroll down the page you will see you can add a confirmation message, this will be displayed to members after they have signed up for a package and sent out as an email. Use this to describe what happens next after they've signed up. You can use the tool bar above the text box to add images/ tables etc..
Terms and Conditions
In this section you can also add your venues membership terms and conditions (T&C's). To remove the Terms & Conditions tick the 'Remove?' box, select 'Save settings' and upload your new T&C's.
When your members first sign into the system, they will have to accept your T&C's in order to become registered. They will need to be registered in order to apply for a membership, book a court etc. It's important to know members can only accept these when they first register, they don't see these again when the renew. If you update your T&C's it may be worth uploading these onto your website for members to read and send them an email letting them know they need to do this.
Please note: The T&C's are not linked to the membership confirmation, members are asked to accept these when they register.