Within your membership packages, you may find that you need to increase or decrease the amount of your member's pay monthly.
You can do this for an individual, by following this guide here.
This guide will talk you through the steps on how you can do this in the Membership module.
Step 1: Select the package that you want to make changes to the instalment fees and select the member's you wish to update.
Step 2: Once you have selected your member's, click on the 'more' button (icon with three dots) and select 'Change cost'
Step 4: Once you have clicked on it the following overlay will appear.
Here you will be able to see how many (and who by clicking 'Show Members') your new updates will be made to as well as entering in your new instalment costs for new members as well as renewals.
Step 5: Once you have entered your new costs, tick the 'I confirm' box and then click the blue 'Confirm' button.
Your members will receive an email notification that this change has been made and what their new monthly cost will be.