For an overview of draw creation and draw creation options, please refer to the Creating Draws article. This article explains how to create a Round Robin with Playoff and different advancement types.
If a TD wants to run RR with playoffs they must choose that the Round Robin with Playoff draw format at the point of draw creation. If you have created a round robin and later decide you want a playoff draw, you will need to delete the draw and recreate the round robin with playoff.
- Round Robin With Playoff for the Top finishers
- Round Robin With Playoff based on Group Finishing Position
How to Create Round Robin Playoffs for the Top Finishers
Using this method, the playoff draw is created from the top finishers in the group.
- Navigate to Tournament Desk by clicking Launch Tournament Desk on the tournament menu.
- Click on the Events tab and select the appropriate event.
- Click on the Draw tab.
Click Make Draw.
- Ensure you have completed all the pre-draw activities you require (avoidances, seeds, etc.) before clicking Make Draw.
- Select Round Robin with Playoff.
In the Advancement type, select Top finishers.
- In this advancement type, only the top player from each group will advance.
- If you want to create a consolation draw for the remaining player, select place remaining players in a second playoff draw.
- Once you are done choosing your draw options, click Make Draw.
To schedule the playoffs, click main at the top left of the screen and select the playoff draw you are looking to schedule.
- For more information on Scheduling matches, please refer to the Scheduling Matches in Tournament Desk Overview article.
How to Create Round Robin Playoffs based on Group Finishing Position
Using this method, a separate playoff draw is created for each finishing position in the group.
- Navigate to Tournament Desk by clicking Launch Tournament Desk on the tournament menu.
- Click on the Events tab and select the appropriate event.
- Click on the Draw tab.
Click Make Draw.
- Ensure you have completed all the pre-draw activities you require (avoidances, seeds, etc.) before clicking Make Draw.
- Select Round Robin with Playoff.
- For Advancement type, select Group Position.
- The Draw Type for the Playoff rounds will be selected when making the Main Draw.