Publish and Unpublish Draws
- Once draw has been created, you are able to publish the draw on your tournament website.
- This can be done by publishing each draw individually or by publishing all created draws at once. Both options are described below.
- To publish each event's draw individually, within each event, click Draw Options and then Publish Draw.
- The tournament draw will show the matches and schedule for for the selected round and two others.
- The selected round is indicated by the darker blue box at the top of the draw, while the other two rounds are indicated by a light blue box. Any round you're not currently viewing is indicated by a grey box.
- You can click on the box for any round to jump to the matches and schedules for that round.
- To Unpublish your draw, click Draw Options and Unpublish draw.
- To publish all created draws at once, within the Events tab, click Publish and then Publish all Created Draws.
- This will publish all draws that have been created, pending draws will not be published.
- To unpublish all draws, click Unpublish all created draws.
Public Draw Settings
You can choose what you want the players to view on the public draw settings. You may want to hide the location, or the times/dates of the draw. You can display City and State to the players information or hide.
To edit the view:
In the Events Tab under publish - select Public draw settings
The drop down below will appear, by unchecking the boxes they will be removed from the view of the public view. You can also add additional player information in the drop down. You can only select one from the drop down. This will change the view for all tournaments. The below is what is set as default.
Note: The player city and state is not shown in the admin pages of tournament desk.
You can check the players view, by clicking 'View on Public Website'.