To be added as a Tournament Director to your Nation's ClubSpark Account, the TD must be invited by an already active Administrator. If you have not been invited, you may contact your Super Administrator to request an invite.
- You will receive an invitation via email from the Administrator that has added you.
- Click 'Accept Invitation'.
- You will also need to be added as an Approved Tournament Director in the Control Center by your National Authority. If you have already accepted the invitation from your Venue, you will automatically show as registered so you will not need to accept this invitation.
- If you are invited by your National Authority in the Control Center first, you will receive an invite to your email. When you open up the link, you will be directed to the registration page for your Venue.
- Accept the Terms and Conditions and you will then be registered as an Approved Tournament Director.
You will now be listed as an approved tournament director. You will be able submit tournaments for approval from the Serve Tennis accounts. You can be linked to multiple Serve Tennis accounts/ organizations.
If you are already a contact at the venue, the venue administrator will need to ensure the Tournament Director is listed as a tournament director or Tournament Administrator in their profile. Further details are available here: How to Add and Remove an Administrator to Your Account