After you have created the draw for your event in Tournament Desk you will be able to schedule the matches directly on the draw. For steps on how to create a draw in Tournament Desk please Creating a draw.
The below steps will show you how to schedule multiple matches in a round at one. To see how to schedule individual matches on the draw please Scheduling Match on the Draw
If you require to schedule the matches at multiple facilities please see this guide on how to add a facility if you had not previously added them: How to Add Additional Facilities in Tournament Desk
- To schedule the matches for a round click on the 3 dots icon above the first round at the top of the draw.
Then follow the steps shown below:
- The screen will change to show all of the matches in the round that you just selected. At the top of the page is which draw and round you are looking at. The draw can be the main, consolation, or the parts of a compass draw. You will want to set the date, time, and location and then select which matches will have that schedule.
Step 3. Clicking on the drop down the date will bring up a calendar view for you to select which day the match is to be played on. Only the dates of the tournament will be available for selection. Select the date you want to schedule.
Step 4.Clicking on the time will bring up a clock view for you to select the hour and minutes for the match. Select AM or PM, then the hour and then the minutes will be available in 5-minute increments. It will save automatically.
Step 5. If you had selected multiple facilities in your tournament application you are able to select which location the matches will be at from the drop-down.
Step 6. To choose the matches you want to schedule with the options you have selected, use the checkboxes to the left of the matches. Choosing the checkbox at the top will select all matches in that round. Click on Update matches at the bottom to schedule the selected matches.
- You will see the date, time, and location of that match directly above the match names. You can continue to schedule matches by round by clicking on the 3 dots icon next to any of the remaining rounds.
If you want to change the time of any of the matches you have scheduled, you can click on the 3 dots to the right of the draw line where the schedule is shown or you can click on the 3 dots above the round and re-schedule the match that way.
You can also choose what information is displayed on the public tournament pages. To see how to do this: Publish/Unpublish draws and Public Draw Settings